Friday, April 02, 2010

SVG themes for glChess

Thanks to a a patch from Alexey Kryukov glChess now supports themes in SVG. Thanks Alexey!


Anonymous said...

Is there a way to get 3d view to work?

I cannot play chess in 3d even though it loads.

Right now the 2d is functional, but very blocky.

Robert Ancell said...

Sorry, I accidentally deleted a post there about 3D mode (it was showing as a duplicate post here).

3D mode still works as it did before but it requires the appropriate packages to be installed and 3D to be working properly (which still seems to be problematic).

Robert Ancell said...

And now the comment is back. Strange things happening today...

(If you're using Ubuntu you need to install python-gtkglext1)

Anonymous said...

It's too bad instead of fixing 3D Chess was removed from the default games in Ubuntu's install.

Here's the corresponding file (3+ years old)

This will enable 3D:
sudo apt-get install python-opengl python-gtkglext1